5 Advantages of Mobile Phones 1. No one can imagine their life without it. Please note, however, that chatting with a driver is a source of distraction for the driver, so keep conversations short. Mobile phones are undoubtedly one of the revolutionary inventions of the mankind. It provides great ease and comfort for users compare to fixed landline services available in old days. Smartphones are the friendly gadgets which have made everything reachable through a touch. Having information as to where children are and what they are up to provides parents with the comfort of knowing that their child is safe in live time. Great effort. Just having a camera and video recorder always at your disposal can sometimes have the effect of deterring crime in certain situations. With a mobile phone, you are connected to the internet throughout. Address books can be synchronized and stored online so that if your phone breaks or is lost, you can still access them from other devices. It’s great being able to call a friend when you are out and about – without being tied to a land line. It seems strange that not long ago, we couldn't keep up with live events in real-time. Mobile phones have revolutionized the way we communicate now. Choosing which model of phone to carry, customizing things like the ringtone, or buying a more personal phone cover have all become a means of self-expression for mobile phone owners, informing others what sort of person you are. Many people now like to see the person that they are talking to, as well as hear the sound of their voice. 2. Paul's passion for technology and digital media goes back over 30 years. Here’s a look at some of the basic and advanced benefits of mobile phones in the current world. The Final Thought . Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Nowadays, you can even browse Internet on your cell phones. Staying connected. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This can be particularly important for children who live in isolated areas or have other limitations. (The light is called a flashlight in the USA and a torch in many other English-speaking countries). Similarly, cell phones can be helpful to old and differently able people. The advantages of mobile phones can never be denied for anyone today including young, adults, students, business man, common people etc In nutshell mobile phone have a great importance, advantages and disadvantages for society. on April 26, 2019: Thank you so much. But given the fact that almost everyone today owns at least a basic mobile phone and the majority have their phone on hand at all times, you’re able to get in touch with people nearly 24/7. Top 10 Advantages of Mobile Phones. I will explain each of the advantages above in more detail below. Smartphones allow video watching, as well as listening to radio, podcasts, or music. Children can, therefore, have some independence without sacrificing their safety. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Really helpful in finalizing my projectwork.Thank you, Very helpful in projects , saminars topics. Now, swipe down to reveal the disadvantages and advantages of a mobile phone in your daily routines. And I can Proof that the mobiles are not harmful For us. 20 Mobile Phone Benefits. Would you like to write for us? Mobile phones (also known as cell phones) have radically altered the way that we work, socialize, organize, and play. All I need to do is to explain to my folks the reasons why I need a phone! That all changed with the invention of the cell phone. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Mobile phones hardware and software industries are one of the biggest markets in the world. Now I have proof why I need a phone! As mobile phones have penetrated every strata of the society and are a necessity in today’s world, we need to look at what makes them so appealing. Cell phone manufacturers cater to the needs of every mobile user, with the up-gradation of latest features and technology. Research shows that more than 80 percent of high school students in America use mobile phones consistently. Advantages of Mobile Phone for Students: Mobile Phone is not a bad thing if it is being used in a positive way. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Mobile Phone Essay | Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone Essay for Matric, F.A and B.A. They have occupied such a huge place in our daily lives that it is no wonder that for most of us, a smartphone is the first thing we look at in the morning and it is the last thing we see before going to bed. It is advised to keep cell phones away from the body especially ears while talking, by using wired headphones or by keeping the phone on speakers. Mobile phones are the most prized possession of human beings. Technology has empowered our lives making it more comfortable and luxurious. The major advantages to having a mobile phone is that it is easier to express oneself through communication and creativity, to access entertainment, to be safe, and to connect to the internet. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. This number is increasing at a staggering rate with China and India leading the list of mobile subscribers in the world, particularly because of their huge population. Nowadays mobile phones are used for SMS, internet browsing, playing video games, photography, sending emails and a lot more things. Pretty poor information to be honest, didn't really get any good info, should take this website down. The advantages and disadvantages of cell phones involve how we communicate with one another, information access, and learning potential. The mobile phone is a tremendous invention of the latest science and technology that has improved human life. From merely being a communication device, mobile handsets have evolved as a technical tool to handle innumerable services. Advantages of Mobile Phone Connect with Family and Friends . If you lose something important in the dark, such as your keys or wallet, or if you cannot see to unlock the door or read something important, the light from the phone comes to your aid. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Although, lifts in offices and residential buildings come with phone extension and alarm buttons, cell phones are anytime better to call for help, in case of elevator failure. 1. Well done ! In the event of an accident, injury, criminal incident, or other emergency, mobile phones ensure that emergency services, as well as family and friends, can be contacted immediately. It is hard to imagine a world without cell phones now. It's useful for adding up the bills, working out invoices, taxation rates, percentages, and many other things. please help because i cannot understand what to do. While cell phones have evolved as a necessity, imparting numerous comforts to our lives, not all is positive about them. can any one help me to discuss this essay topic : An imagination that John struggle to do their research work, because the high school that he school in were lack in library resource, therefore he used mobile phone to do their work....so can any one help me to make a sample essay for me as imagination that John struggle in their research. Smartphones evolved … This essay will argue that these provide far more advantages than disadvantages. Once the media has been captured, it can be sent to others via email, messaging, or Bluetooth; or posted on the internet with just a few clicks. They are convenient. What are some of the peculiar advantages that mobile phones have offered in the current world? Learn more about the career in IT you’ve always wanted, or find new tips to further your technology career. Or watching movies? As far as I know we can understand easily and must write an essay. It helped me to completely my assignment. Today’s cannot complete his work even fo… It has slowly become an indispensable part of our daily lives. In many places, mobile phone apps can now be used to make payments quickly and securely. COMPLICATEmaster709 on September 20, 2019: Hansika Chauhan ❤️ on September 19, 2019: Lakshmana Prasad Tenali on September 06, 2019: In this information was very useful for meee. Social media enables contact with other children that have similar interests. The first cell phone call was completed on April 3 of that year, when Martin Cooper, a Motorola employee, contacted Joel Engel, a competitor at Bell Labs, with the new device. We provide informative and helpful articles about the outlook for IT jobs throughout the U.S. This…. … And with the availability of tools like PhotoStick mobile, there is no need to worry about the space as well, as this tool from holgadirect helps create a backup of important data and photos. I could find exactly what I needed without extra effort and without checking so many different sites. Finding our way around has never been easier since phones started using GPS to direct us to our destinations. Although there are definitely some negatives, there have also been many benefits. No matter in which parts of the world your family or friends are … And after this first launch, the entire world has been covering with the different and latest types of mobile phones or smartphones. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The advantage of cells phones is that you no longer have to worry while your loved one is out on the road late at night. If you are looking for mobile phone apps for students, you can contact this web design company. Phones for children reassure parents and enable them to know where the children are at all times. Text messaging (also known as texting) enables people to communicate with short written messages. it helped me a lot in my assignment but nice. Keeping cell phones in your car while traveling is one of the topmost personal safety tips. When traveling by plane or train, you can use your phone to explore timetables, purchase and display your ticket. In that way, we can create a sustainable world, fit for the survival of life on Earth. Mobile phone games are an extremely popular way for people to spend their time. The most important way in which it changed communication was, of course, the fact that we could now speak to people on the go. Rigorous studies are being carried out to know more about the negative effects of cell phones and effective measures to counteract the side effects. Mobile Phones are the important form of communication these days. THANK YOU!! all of the other websites just are about Iphones vs android. Read on for the main advantages of mobile phones. However, the promised femtocell…. But how does a mobile phone work? Your mobile phone is like having the world's biggest reference library on hand everywhere you go. Mobile phones enable access to information that can help children with school projects, homework, and other learning tasks. One of the most talked about topics among North American cellular service providers was magicJack for cell phones, which once threatened to eat into their profits. It depends on our using method what effect we have to face. Having a calculator 24/7 can come in very handy, both in the workplace or outside of work. Some of the most fundamental benefits that the human society has experienced with the growth and ease of access to these phones have been mentioned further. Thank u. If a child wants to leave a social or sports event earlier than originally planned and needs a ride home, they are able to use their phone to contact their parents. Thanks! Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! Whether driving, cycling, or walking, we can get live updates on our location, roadworks, accidents, and other causes of slow-moving traffic, plus information on nearby facilities, such as restaurants, gas stations, and hotels. There's no reason to forget or lose any person's phone number, email address, or property address. Or playing video games? I am rest less to for new updates. They can be life savers. 95% of Americans own a cell phone of some type, with 77% saying that they own a smartphone. Very helpful to impress my girlfriend. Unlike previous communication devices, they can be on hand for the caller at all times and used in any place where there is a signal. Want to know? If you lose your way or get stuck in bad weather, your mobile phone could just save your life. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This is very sweet and essential for my group discussion. A mobile phone can act as a torch, a recording device, data storage, calculator, calendar, camera, and many other utility features. Rather than using a traditional alarm clock, many people now use their mobile phones instead. There are inexpensive models available for those with a limited budget. Like everything has a positive and a negative side, mobile phones too have some advantages and disadvantages. The decision regarding when and whether to give a child their own mobile phone can be a difficult one. Thank you very much. Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones: Technology and time have turned the table in our life that once letters and messages took days to reach the recipient, and now it takes just a fraction of a second.Just a couple of decades ago, the world had a different pace to communicate and transact. Mobile phones, as earlier mentioned above, also has disadvantages that we cannot disregard. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Taking a mobile phone with you when you go hiking is a basic safety precaution. There are many cell phones available in the market. We have benefited tremendously from the advent of mobile technology. Ease to Express YourselfBy allowing instant access to any desired destination across the globe, mobile phones have changed the landscape of communication. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Mobile phones are an excellent way to organize your finances. You forget something important at home and now you need it in your office. Thanx for your "20 BEST ADVANTAGES" they are super cool and it also helped in my home work ....... thank you this will be very usefull for my group disscussion. But the mobiles help us to carry them anywhere and are more comfortable. Mobile Phone is a device mainly used for voice calls. 10 Lines Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone. Connect to family and friends are the main advantage and disadvantage of mobile phone, you will connect with your family and children when you are far from your home or may be in other country just press a few buttons. In a report in 2011, World Health Organization stated that there is a risk of electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and they can lead to serious health problems, particularly cancer. 3. Advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phone for students are described here in this article. The ability to pay for goods and services with a mobile app has made life far more convenient in many parts of the world, where this sort of technology has been adopted. Also, ordinary people can use their phones to capture photos and video at important events and actually become the news broadcasters. They fit easily into your pocket or bag. As we all know, that the mobile phone was first actually introduced by the company Motorola in the year 1973. Need to translate a phrase in a foreign language? Copyright © Tech Spirited & Buzzle.com, Inc. All rights reserved. Such advance features are specifically meant for saving time. Since we can’t ignore necessities like cell phone in the current times, we must religiously work upon finding ways to minimize their threat on us as well as on our environment. 8 Advantages of Having Smartphones Instant Communication. Even, the telephone does the same work. There is a multitude of games to download and play; you can read an online article or get involved with social media to pass the time. After reading this website I can easily won my Debate . Mobile phones allow users to keep up with sporting and news events in real time. You can check your account balances, transfer money, and pay bills, all with just a few clicks. Real-time video also enables the live streaming of live events across the internet, as well as to other phones and devices. Even in civil disputes, such as car accidents, injuries, or antisocial behavior, phones can play an important role in evidence gathering. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Some of these are locked while others are unlocked. Motorola changed history when they became the first company to produce a handheld mobile phone in 1973. As per Gartner, a reputed analytic agency in the field of IT, the total number of mobile connections in the world reached 5.6 billion in 2011! If the battery gets low, you can recharge them in your car or plug them into an electrical outlet using a cable. This essay is very important and helpful . 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. As long as you have your mobile phone, there is no reason to get bored. Although, lifts in offices and residential buildings come with phone extension and alarm buttons, cell phones are anytime better to call for help, in case of elevator failure. There are various advantages of Mobile Phone for students as it helps them to stay in touch with the internet for the research purpose. Advantages of Mobile Phones. Although there are certainly some downsides, there are also a number of particular advantages of mobile phones for children. Instant Connect and Communication Instant Connect and Communication. Was very helpful for my street play in school. This one is pretty obvious but bare with us. You can search for places and directions for places that you are not familiar with, you can check out what your friends are up to on social media and you can even access your work PC remotely. While they offer substantial advantages, using mobile phones in the workplace is not without challenges.. Here we will know more about the merits of cell phone. Since the first cell phone, we’ve been able to make calls while on the go. Aren’t they? Mobiles can help employees to: It is very helpful, turbo future. So on and so forth…cell phones are a necessity. This page helped me to understand about mobile and also helped to finesh my homework. The phone can alert you when there is breaking news or your favorite team scores in a match. Chatting to others no longer necessarily means audio only, many people enjoy seeing the person that they're talking to too. If used wisely, a mobile phone can be one of the best gadgets you will ever hold. Mobile phones make great devices for calendars, and usually the information is synchronized and backed up online. In today’s world, mobile phones have become a necessity. Likewise, if they are running late and need picking up later, they can message or call without having to wait around and potentially putting themselves in a vulnerable situation. Read: Mobile marketing advantages and disadvantages. These don't always have to take the form of text or numbers either; you can also use photos, audio, or video to record important information for later use. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In case of any accidents or unexpected events, you can inform someone, who can rush to your rescue. However, as they say that everything in life comes with some price, so we must not be shocked if we discover some severe disadvantages of technologies like cell phones. Phones enable you to have all the necessary contact details for family, friends, and coworkers in one easy to access place. Really from this application I won my debate thank you. Communicating with loved ones, colleagues, friends, and more has never been simpler.