Das Paar hatte drei Kinder: Pascal, Jean-Christophe und Gilbert. Januar 1996 verheiratet, musste ihn aber lange Jahre mit Anne Pingeot "teilen". Brigitte Macron, deutsche Besetzung Frankreichs im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Literatur von und über Danielle Mitterrand, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Danielle_Mitterrand&oldid=201142547, Träger des Ordens des Infanten Dom Henrique (Großkreuz), Träger des Sterns von Rumänien (Offizier), „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Mitterrand, Danielle Émilienne Isabelle (vollständiger Name); Gouze, Danielle Émilienne Isabelle (Geburtsname), französische Widerstandskämpferin und Autorin, Ehefrau von François Mitterrand. “It’s really a book of the 20th century and not of the 21st,” said Jean-Loup Champion, who edited the books at the French publisher Gallimard. After Mr. Mitterrand became president in 1981, Ms. Pingeot and Mazarine were given round-the-clock security protection, at the expense of the state. Only a handful of Ms. Pingeot’s letters are in the collection, but a vivid portrait emerges of a woman who sought to preserve her dignity even as the other woman. I’m 73 years old,” she added. “But the forest has a thousand roots and the wind blows through it. The two families met for the first time at Mr. Mitterrand’s funeral in January 1996. Die Witwe des früheren französischen Staatspräsidenten François Mitterrand ist tot. Femme de pouvoir, libre et engagée, elle s'est laissée guider par l'ivresse des combats qui ont forgé son existence. Danielle Mitterrand, widow of the late French president Francois Mitterrand, was regarded as a tireless campaigner for human rights and victims of injustice. Élisabeth de Mac Mahon | Then the physical romance blossoms. Danielle Armstrong has revealed seeking therapy helped her cope following the tragic death of her best friend Sammy, who passed away following a battle with breast cancer last year. How could I not have loved you more?”, In François Mitterrand Letters, an Intimate Portrait of the Other Woman. In her only interview on the letters, to France Culture Radio, she expressed her hesitation about publishing them. In 1974 Anne, who lived ten minutes' walk away, gave birth to their daughter Mazarine, named after the 17th century Cardinal Mazarin with whose wily suppleness Mitterrand identified himself. By George Stark For Dailymail.com. Blanche Doumer | François Mitterrand in Massevaques in the Lozère region of France, photographed in 1978 by Anne Pingeot. Danielle Mitterrand, who died on November 22 aged 87, was married to the French President François Mitterrand for 51 years, but played the … Jeanne Millerand | Elle a fait avec, rappelle Robert Schneider. Oktober 1944 heiratete sie ihn im Rathaus, später wurden sie in der Kirche Saint-Séverin in Paris getraut. Am 6. A 83 ans l'ex-première Dame de France publiait en novembre dernier une autobiographie « Le livre de ma mémoire » aux éditions Jean-Claude Gawsewitch. Anne held his hand till the end. Juli 1991 geriet sie bei einer Wohltätigkeitsreise im Irak in einen Autobombenanschlag, blieb aber unverletzt. PARIS (AP) — Danielle Mitterrand, a decorated member of the French Resistance and combative advocate for the poor who broke the mold as first lady alongside France's first Socialist president, died RTL - On a tellement de choses à se dire 15,070 views 6:15 He said that he had granted them over the past four years in a spirit of transparency; his critics said that it was vulgar to release it while still in office, with some even deploring the end of private life in France. Carla Bruni | Danielle Mitterrand was born on October 29, 1924 in Verdun, Meuse, France as Danielle Emilienne Isabelle Gouze. She was married to François Mitterrand. Last week, a book of candid interviews with Mr. Hollande was released. Cécilia Sarkozy | Danielle Mitterrand (n.Danielle Émilienne Isabelle Gouze, 29 octombrie 1924, Verdun - d. 22 noiembrie 2011, Paris) a fost soția fostului președinte francez François Mitterrand și directorul fundației France Libertés - Fondation Danielle-Mitterrand. Danielle Mitterrand, the widow of former French President Francois Mitterrand, dies in a Paris hospital at the age of 87. He used his security detail to prevent journalists from revealing the secret. François Mitterrand: Former French president's 'other woman' finally reveals all about their 32-year affair in a new biography. Il a des maîtresses, elle aura des amants. Claude Pompidou | You are my forest, in which I love each tree.”, In a 1971 letter, he likens their love to “a deep wave.” “It separates us and I cry out, I cry out, and you hear me through the rush of sound, you love me, I am desperately yours, but then you don’t see me anymore, I don’t know where you are, and I am filled with all the unhappiness in the world.”, The letters are revelatory, said Régis Le Sommier, deputy editor of Paris Match, the weekly magazine that broke the story of Mr. Mitterrand’s second family in 1994. Kendall Jenner posts no makeup selfie as she poses in the mirror while promoting her oral care brand Moon. “Now we have to add to those legendary couples that of a head of state and an invisible woman who knew how to put him in a state.”. Valérie Trierweiler | Some commentators noted the contrast between Mr. Mitterrand’s erudite prose and elegant deceptions and the current, seemingly more banal presidency of François Hollande. “I’m putting things in order. Germaine Deschanel | Over the New Year Mitterrand was back with his “official” family — his wife Danielle and their two sons, Jean-Christophe and Gilbert — at their country home in the southwestern Landes region. Hélène Casimir-Perier | “Sometimes I think so, sometimes not.”, She typed up the handwritten letters herself, an emotional task. Daniele Mitterrand in France on October 11, 1988. Gouze kam als Kind von Antoine Gouze, einem Schulleiter, und Renée Flachot, einer Schullehrerin, auf die Welt. When François and Danielle moved into a new house in Paris in 1973, Balenci moved in with them. The release last Thursday of that collection, “Letters to Anne” — along with a fanciful scrapbook Mr. Mitterrand kept for Ms. Pingeot from 1964 to 1970 — offer a rare glimpse into the life of a man generally seen as icy and Machiavellian, and who never left his wife even while he lived for years with Ms. Pingeot. [2], Élise Thiers | Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 20. PARIS — In 1,218 letters over 33 years, he wrote her in graceful prose about art and culture, political struggles and foreign dignitaries — and his passionate desire for her body. Over the New Year Mitterrand was back with his "official" family -- his wife Danielle and their two sons, Jean-Christophe and Gilbert -- at their country home in the southwestern Landes region. Am 5. bzw. Coralie Grévy | Marguerite Lebrun | For years, Mrs. Mitterrand also had a partner, Jean Balenci, who had his own room in the Mitterrand … Danielle Mitterrand, Frau des früheren französischen Präsidenten François Mitterrand, ist in der Nacht zum Dienstag im Alter von 87 Jahren gestorben. Often they sought consolation elsewhere—most famously Danielle Mitterrand, whose lover, Jean Balenci, lived in a ménage à trois with the future President and his wife for 25 years. Cécile Carnot | Juni 2020 um 09:41 Uhr bearbeitet. Ihre Schwester Christine Gouze-Rénal war mit dem französischen Schauspieler und Regisseur Roger Hanin verheiratet. Maryam Radjavi with Danielle Mitterrand, wife of former French President Francois Mitterrand on May 18, 2005 in Auvers sur Oise,France. Yvonne de Gaulle | Sie hatte den Vorsitz der Stiftung France Libertés – Fondation Danielle-Mitterrand inne. For the first two years of their correspondence, 1962 and 1963, Mr. Mitterrand uses the formal “vous” form of address, and Ms. Pingeot is reluctant. L'histoire charnelle et sentimentale entre Danielle et Jean durera plusieurs années, jusqu'au début des années 80 et l'accession de François Mitterrand à la fonction suprême. “You always gave me more,” Mr. Mitterrand wrote in his last letter to Ms. Pingeot. „Dies sind sehr schöne Texte“, urteilte Mitterrands ältester Sohn Jean-Christophe. France’s longest-serving president, from 1981 to 1995, Mr. Mitterrand began his political career on the Catholic right, and worked for the Vichy government, which collaborated with the Nazis during World War II, but then shifted leftward and joined the Resistance. On the night of January 7, Danielle came to visit Mitterrand in the apartment where he was staying with Anne Pingeot, his mistress of more than 30 years. “If ‘free love’ deprives me of a home, a child, hope, calm, security, dignity, it should at least … stay free,” she wrote. November 2011 in Paris), war eine französische Widerstandskämpferin der Résistance und Autorin. Danielle Mitterrand (bilêvkirina kurdî: Daniyel Miteran) (29ê çiriya paşîn, 1924 - 22ê çiriya paşîn, 2011 Parîs) ji dayik bû.Ew şoreşger û nivîskareke fransî bû û jina serokkomarê Fransayê François Mitterrand … Oktober 2009 wurden in den irakischen Städten Erbil und Sulaimaniyya nach Danielle Mitterrand benannte französische Schulen eröffnet. Danielle war mit François Mitterrand verheiratet, dem französischen Staatspräsidenten der Jahre 1981 bis 1995, und somit „First Lady“ ihres Landes. She died on November 22, 2011 in Paris, France. Michelle Auriol | Some letters read as if they were written as diaries for the historical record as much as for Ms. Pingeot. The two men breakfasted together most mornings; Balenci was adored by Mitterrand’s two surviving sons. November 2011 in Paris[1]), war eine französische Widerstandskämpferin der Résistance und Autorin. “You were my chance of life. “Everything trembles in you like a forest in the wind,” he wrote her in 1972. Jeanne Fallières | Danielle Mitterrand, die Frau des früheren französischen Staatspräsidenten François Mitterrand, ist im Alter von 87 Jahren gestorben. “It’s a different world.”. Danielle Mitterrand, Self: Certains l'appellent François. On the night of January 7, Danielle came to visit Mitterrand in the apartment where he was staying with Anne Pingeot, his mistress of more than 30 years. “I don’t know if I did the right thing,” she said in the interview broadcast on Monday. The president’s relationship with Danielle Gouze, whom he married in 1944, was complex. Mr. Mitterrand and Ms. Pingeot at the Parthenon in Athens in 1964. Oktober 1924 in Verdun, Département Meuse; † 22. Mit François Mitterrand war sie bis zu dessen Tod am 8. Germaine Coty | Danielle Mitterrand, Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, Anne Pingeot, Mazarine Pingeot et Gilbert Mitterrand lors des obsèques de François Mitterrand le 11... Daniele Mitterrand. To publish the letters and journal, Mazarine Pingeot and Jean-Christophe and Gilbert Mitterrand, Mr. Mitterrand’s sons with Mrs. Mitterrand, signed the contract with Gallimard, and they will receive the advance and profits from the books’ sales, Mr. Champion said. Anne-Aymone Giscard d’Estaing | “Letters to Anne” ends in September 1995, when the president is dying of prostate cancer, which he had had since the early ’80s — for years keeping that, too, a secret from the public. Mitterrand: A Study in Ambiguity | | ISBN: 9781448191895 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon.